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Dinosaur Footprints at Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite

Just outside of Greybull, Wyoming, lies a phenomenal dinosaur tracksite. The rocks are Middle Jurassic, approximately 167 Ma. Although the tracks were made by a theropod dinosaur, it is not known which species. It is quite unique in its timing, making it an important site for scientific study. The tracks were made in a muddy environment, likely a tidal environment on the shore of the Sundance Sea. From these tracks, paleontologists can learn about the sizes of the animals that made them, whether they travelled alone or in groups, and if they were running or walking at the time.

The BLM website has more great information about this site, including a podcast that is worth a listen. The site is easily accessed on BLM land but it is about a 5 mile drive over gravel road from Hwy 14; a simple search in Google Maps for the site makes it easy to find.

Theropod footprint

Below I narrate a video following along these tracks from one footprint to another. The footprints can be difficult to see at times, so it is quite rewarding to be able to find a series of them. This series includes about 15 total footprints.

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